Particle Acceleration and Radiation with Super-Strong Field Interactions

Igor V. Smetanin
2002 AIP Conference Proceedings  
New concepts of particle acceleration and coherent x-ray generation in the superstrong laser -beam interactions are investigated, the quantum effects are treated using the Klein -Gordon theory. Particles are accelerated up to TeV energy range in the scattering by the leading edge of the laser pulse propagating at the group velocity which is less than the speed of light. The quantum regime in the x-ray Compton FEL is investigated, in which the PEL becomes the two-level quantum oscillator with a
more » ... ompletely inverted active medium. CP634, Science of Superstrong Field Interactions, edited by K. Nakajima and M. Deguchi
doi:10.1063/1.1514278 fatcat:fqhoi7nqwzgubdpgvnmahwayii