Distortion analysis during power transfer using correlation techniques

J. H. R. Enslin, J. D. Van Wyk
1989 South African Journal of Science and Technology  
The analysis of power systems, under conditions of contaminated loading and excitation functions, cannot be unambiguously characterized or categorized with current analysis techniques, usually based on Fourier analysis techniques. Correlation techniques are proposed to be effective in the analysis of power transfer in systems where the relationship between loading and excitation functions is non-linear. This analysis technique is proposed in different energy systems, as for example electric and
more » ... mechanical systems. Typical examples of distortion in power transfer are described, showing practical results and simulations of analysis in electric power networks.
doi:10.4102/satnt.v8i4.886 fatcat:huhrnxf2xjb5bhfync4qk5pi74