Detection of chloronium and measurement of the35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio atz= 0.89 toward PKS 1830–211

S. Muller, J. H. Black, M. Guélin, C. Henkel, F. Combes, M. Gérin, S. Aalto, A. Beelen, J. Darling, C. Horellou, S. Martín, K. M. Menten (+2 others)
2014 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
We report the first extragalactic detection of chloronium (H2Cl+), in the z=0.89 absorber in front of the lensed blazar PKS1830-211. The ion is detected through its 1_11-0_00 line along two independent lines of sight toward the North-East and South-West images of the blazar. The relative abundance of H2Cl+ is significantly higher (by a factor ~7) in the NE line of sight, which has a lower H2/H fraction, indicating that H2Cl+ preferably traces the diffuse gas component. From the ratio of the
more » ... 5Cl+ and H2^37Cl+ absorptions toward the SW image, we measure a 35Cl/37Cl isotopic ratio of 3.1 (-0.2; +0.3) at z=0.89, similar to that observed in the Galaxy and the solar system.
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201423947 fatcat:bqdj2l2vm5hdfamkge5zxkn254