Comparative Study on Growth and Developmental Model of Indigenous Chicken Breeds in China

Zhenhua Zhao, Shoufeng Li, Huayun Huang, Chunmiao Li, Qianbao Wang, Longgang Xue
2015 Open Journal of Animal Sciences  
The growth and development regularity and genetic parameters were described in three types of indigenous chicken in China, Shaobo, Huaixiang and Youxi Chicken, by 3 nonlinear mathematics models, Logistics, Gompertz and Bertalanfy, according to the data of Body Weight from 1 week to 10 weeks. The results showed that the growth process of the three breeds could be illustrated well by three models, and the indices of fitness were very high (more than 0.99). Among the 3 models, Gompertz model was
more » ... e best for its less bias from practice. The inflexions of growth were 5.98, 5.11 and 6.16 weeks of age, and body weights were 2115.77 g, 1499.08 g and 1409.62 g, respectively in Shaobo Chicken, Huaixiang Chicken and Youxi Chicken.
doi:10.4236/ojas.2015.52024 fatcat:ramq5guuyvhcnnwhvra2bb3ngy