Meiotic Gynogenesis Induction in Muskellunge Esox masquinongy by Thermal and Pressure Shocks

Mary Ann Garcia-Abiado, Jacques Rinchard, Konrad Dabrowski
2001 Journal of the World Aquaculture Society  
Absrmcr.-Mass production of fast-growing, all-female muskellunge Esox rnasquinongy by gynogenesis requires optimized techniques of preventing second polar body extrusion. Heat, cold, and pressure shocks were evaluated for their efficiency of doubling the maternal genome. Muskellunge eggs (20-40 g) were activated with I mL ultraviolet (UV)-irradiated (1,248 J/ m2) heterologous sperm of yellow perch Perca j7ave.scens. Survival and ploidy (by flow cytometry) were determined during the eyed-stage.
more » ... old shocks of 1.3 2 1 C were applied at 5 or 20 min after gamete activation with water (time of initiation, TI) for a duration of 150 min and pressure shocks of 48,263 or 55,158 kPa (7,000 or 8,000 psi, respectively) at a TI of 4 rnin for 12 min. These shock treatments resulted in 43.7-95.0% diploid gynogens with corresponding yield of diploid gynogen (percent diploid gynogens X total percent survival) of 2 . 6 1 1 .I%. Cold shocks applied at TI of 5 or 20 min after activation resulted in statisti-
doi:10.1111/j.1749-7345.2001.tb00371.x fatcat:6ivdnel3ffcpppviqxtaamwbwa