Providing Reliable Access to Real-Time and Historic Public Transport Data Using Linked Connections

Julian Rojas, David Chaves-Fraga, Pieter Colpaert, Ruben Verborgh, Erik Mannens
2017 International Semantic Web Conference  
Using Linked Data based approaches, public transport companies are able to share their time tables and its updates in an affordable way while allow-ing user agents to perform multimodal route planning algorithms. Providing time table updates, usually published as data streams, means that data is being constantly modified and in the presence of large analytical queries, results might be affected due to the changing data. In this demo we introduce a mecha-nism to tackle this problem by
more » ... g that a user agent will always re-ceive version based responses, therefore ensuring data consistency. Such mech-anism also enables access to historical data that could be used for deep analysis of transport systems. However, how this data shall be archived, in order to keep this approach scalable and inexpensive is still a matter of study. In a demonstra-tor, we published and query data from the Belgium national train system (SNCB) and Madrid Regional Transport Consortium (CRTM). This paper rep-resents the first step towards establishing an affordable framework to publish reliable transport data.
dblp:conf/semweb/RojasCCVM17 fatcat:h44e62vi75dq3arc5mn4zowqse