Proteasomes in Distal Myopathy with Rimmed Vacuoles

Toshihide KUMAMOTO, Shin FUJIMOTO, Shin-ichiro NAGAO, Tomoko MASUDA, Rie SUGIHARA, Hidetsugu UEYAMA, Tomiyasu TSUDA
1998 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
In a previous report we suggested that muscle fibers in distal myopathywith rimmedvacuoles (DMRV) were degraded by both lysosomal proteolysis (cathepsins) and Ca2+-dependent, nonlysosomal proteolysis (calpain). Given recent evidence of abnormal ubiquitin accumulation in rimmed vacuoles, we examined the role of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway (proteasomes) in myofiber degradation in this myopathy. Immunohistochemically, proteasomes (26S) were located in the cytoplasm in normal
more » ... an muscle, but the staining intensity was weak. Quantitative analysis showed more reactivity for proteasomes in DMRV muscles and, to a lesser extent, in muscles from muscular dystrophy, polymyositis, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. In DMRV, proteasomes often were located within or on the rim of rimmedvacuoles, and in the cytoplasm of atrophic fibers. Ubiquitin accumulation was marked within rimmedvacuoles and was seen less extensively in the cytoplasm of atrophic fibers. The latter proteins colocalized well. In other diseased muscles, proteasomes and ubiquitin showed a positive reaction in the atrophic or necrotic fibers. The results indicate increased proteasome and ubiquitin in these muscle fibers as well as in other diseased muscle fibers. Wesuggest that the ATP-ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway as well as the nonlysosomal calpain and the lysosomal proteolytic pathway may participate in the muscle fiber degradation in DMRV. of myofibrillar proteins such as myosin and actin (15) (16) (17) . Despite this possibility, the intracellular location ofproteasomes
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.37.746 fatcat:sihlgw2wpnhn5dbxd2yvnyhyj4