Comparing and evaluating mapping systems with STBenchmark

Bogdan Alexe, Wang-Chiew Tan, Yannis Velegrakis
2008 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Schema mappings are fundamental building blocks in many information integration applications. Designing mappings is a timeconsuming process and for that reason many mapping systems have been developed to assist in the task of designing mappings. However, to the best of our knowledge, a benchmark for comparing and evaluating these systems has not yet been developed. We demonstrate STBenchmark, a benchmark that we have developed for evaluating mapping systems. Our demonstration will showcase the
more » ... ifferent aspects of mapping systems that STBenchmark evaluates, highlight the results of our comparison and evaluation of four mapping systems, as well as make a case for the need for a standard specification input mechanism to mapping systems in order to make progress towards the development of a uniform testbed or repository for schema mappings and data exchange tasks.
doi:10.14778/1454159.1454203 fatcat:3ei2l56lrjch7mk2pxzarn2hqe