Depth extraction of three-dimensional objects using block matching for slice images in synthetic aperture integral imaging

Joon-Jae Lee, Byung-Gook Lee, Hoon Yoo
2011 Applied Optics  
We describe a computational method for depth extraction of three-dimensional (3D) objects using block matching for slice images in synthetic aperture integral imaging (SAII). SAII is capable of providing high-resolution 3D slice images for 3D objects because the picked-up elemental images are highresolution ones. In the proposed method, the high-resolution elemental images are recorded by moving a camera; a computational reconstruction algorithm based on ray backprojection generates a set of 3D
more » ... slice images from the recorded elemental images. To extract depth information of the 3D objects, we propose a new block-matching algorithm between a reference elemental image and a set of 3D slice images. The property of the slices images is that the focused areas are the right location for an object, whereas the blurred areas are considered to be empty space; thus, this can extract robust and accurate depth information of the 3D objects. To demonstrate our method, we carry out the preliminary experiments of 3D objects; the results indicate that our method is superior to a conventional method in terms of depth-map quality.
doi:10.1364/ao.50.005624 pmid:22015355 fatcat:hgwhzj3mefg4vdory5pbg6ycwm