1891 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  
during the World's Fair, and from its success we may look for many important considerations, such, indeed, as a representative body of this nature may pertinently and wisely sit upon. 2. The untold advantages for personal improve¬ ment and a knowledge of the great advances made in all branches of the science of medicine. This will come from the exhibitions, from study, from contact with others, and from the proximate seats of learning which may be easily visited. 3. The teaching of the period,
more » ... side from the results already attained, and upon which the great future progress is to rest. Methods of med¬ ical teaching will be particularly interesting to foreigners, and many of our own older practition¬ ers who have been secluded for years by the con¬ straints of a rural constituency.
doi:10.1001/jama.1891.02410770030007 fatcat:vjdfkjwrbjexjlrg3ddgvcfbhy