The popularity of Corporate Social Responsibility: A strategic review

Kanamik Khan
2013 IOSR Journal of Business and Management  
Purpose: This research paper aims to explore a research question: Why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should be popularized instead of imposed? Methodology: Answering the question CSR literature with the test of both theoretical and practical perspectives by following qualitative interview method. This research paper reviews the practical assessment of latest thinking about CSR. This research investigates three questions, these are: who are the investors of CSR, who makes decisions about
more » ... SR and potential implications of CSR? Findings: Most relevant theoretical framework offers guidance to managers where CSR is morally attractive force of business through legislative power. Imposed questions are revealed to answers of first two questions are quiet apparent. The answer of third question is inference that indicates three major findings. These are: the costs of CSR remain unrecognized, it helps the managers to take decisions, and CSR have government and civil society implications which we scarcely think. Practical Implications: The capacity of business can contribute to society that has proved through huge expenditure of firms. This paper concludes to encourage the business sensibly by using the popularity CSR as business duty. Value: This paper provides vital information on CSR as a business function.
doi:10.9790/487x-1221924 fatcat:25x3autmlvbt5mpqqsvikgrp4u