Resonator-Based Nonparametric Identification of Linear Systems

L. Sujbert, G. Peceli, G. Simon
2005 IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement  
AbstraeC A noq"ebic i&nti&&n method for linear system is proposed The i & n t i m n is done v i a synchronized mdtisine measurements whem the sywhronidon is ensured by a resonator based generator-o b server p i x The advantuge of the pposed sftucture is that it works as a fiuer lwtR andpvkies the measrement results omfine. Exponemi2 avemging is an option of the me#wdandPrequin?s 110 extm c o l c~i z s . A further advmrfqge is that the & n t i . n m be done over anyjkquenq set wiulout any loss
more » ... Mornmnce. Explicit fonruJas m given for noise sl(ppresSi0nandseluingtime. ThemethodisUwbutedbyapmchlem Pk?. Kevwords -Non-pummehc * f r e q u e n c Y m a i n i d e n t i~~~; r e sonator based o b s m , on-line measurement -
doi:10.1109/tim.2004.840244 fatcat:rml7ofgyyje73fdvcohh2iswdu