Asymmetric Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna with Open Stop Band Suppression and Radiation Efficiency Equalization through Broadside

R. Agrawal, P. Belwal, S. C. Gupta
2018 Radioengineering  
A planar asymmetric substrate integrated waveguide leaky wave antenna is proposed with open stop band suppression and radiation efficiency equalization through broadside for the Ku-band. The stop-band behavior exhibited at broadside in the 1-D periodic structure is significantly reduced using reflection cancellation technique by placing the two slots at a quarter distance within the unit cell. Furthermore, asymmetric technique is applied. The asymmetry is introduced with respect to both axial
more » ... d transversal axis of the structure so as to match the atbroadside Bloch impedance and off-broadside Bloch impedance. This provides total open stop band suppression and radiation efficiency improvement as well as equalization through broadside. The problem is analyzed with the help of Bloch impedance behavior. For illustration of the above techniques; single slot, double slot and asymmetric designs are developed for the proposed leaky wave antenna. The final asymmetric design after optimization is fabricated. Measured results are almost consistent with the simulation results with complete suppression of open stop band, efficiency improvement and equalization through broadside providing continuous beam scanning from -32° to +27° with constant gain of ~12.5 dBi.
doi:10.13164/re.2018.0409 fatcat:ufvb4mm5n5crln3cg6q2m6tn7m