1902 BMJ (Clinical Research Edition)  
Z46 TNuBAITIuR AJ1 and the lack of resistance of the hollow trunk. To give the NOVA ET VETERA.~~~~~~Sultan a practical conception of the great size of the tree, a N OVA E T YE TE RA.~~~~piece of the largest broken branch was sent to Constantinople. The Sultan attaches great importance to the preservation of THE LECTURE THEATRE OF HIPPOCRATES. the tree, for he is said to have ordered it tobe strictly guarded SOME time ago mention was made in the BRITISH MEDICAL day and night. The lower branches
more » ... re still well preserved. JOURNAL Of the fact that there is still standing in the island As they are-especially one of them-very long and sprea ding of Cos a plane tree as to which tradition says that under its in a horizontal direction, they have been shored up with spreading boughs Hippocrates taught the art of hE-.aling more picso antique columns (not brick pillars). In course of than 2,300 years ago. We then asked if any travellervisiting CoF time the branches, in consequence of the powerful pressure would inquire about this the oldest and most venerable of all of their own weight, have grown like a cap over the upper medical schools. This hint has brought us several interestends of the columns. In the proximity of the plane tree is a ing communications, with photographs of the tree from solid marble seat, which is said to be the chair of Hippovarious points of view, two of which ar-e here reproduced. crates. The place is a pleasant one, and to medical visitors Staff-Surgeon W. Eames, RNY, writing from Malta, sent a in particular it jg hallowed by traditions of the Father of photograph taken on the occas;ion of a visit made by him to Medicine. But there is not, as far as we are aware, any Khos or CJos in 1899 (Fig. 2) . He says:
doi:10.1136/bmj.1.2164.1546 fatcat:i4yicyh7szdxlpyrl2ue4auaju