Study on the Influence of the Main Parameters of Woodworking Saw Blade on the Illumination Value of Band Saw Blade (1)

Jin-gui Gao, Hong-gang Zhao, Lai-peng Luo
2017 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
In this paper, MJ3310A band saw machine as the research object, through the Beijing VIBSYS vibration signal acquisition and analysis software illumination value analysis, analysis of different circumstances to find good and crack band saw blade illumination value of the law. The results show that the illuminance of the cracked band saw blade is significantly higher than that of the complete band saw blade illumination value. Under the optimum working conditions, if the band saw blade
more » ... n value exceeds 286 Lux, it can be determined that the band saw blade has at least one crack length greater than 1.68 mm Of the defects, the need for timely replacement band saw blade. So as to rational use of band saw blade, band saw blade on-line fault diagnosis provides a technical basis. 1
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/191/1/012024 fatcat:tx7k432itfhyrll2whjo3ecree