Heavy metals pollution potentials in the National Iron Ore Mining Company, Itakpe

Cyril Ocheri, A. D. Omah, C. N. Mbah, R. E. Njoku, N. A. Urama, C. W. Onyia, S. M. Adam, J. Ezeanyanwu
2020 Journal of Advances in Science and Engineering  
Heavy metals pollution potential in National Iron Ore Mining Company, Itakpe was investigated. Two mining sites located at the east mining pits such as M3O, which is 370 m above sea level and M2O, which is 350 m above sea level were studied. Sequential extraction techniques was utilised to examine the distribution effect of the heavy metals pollution potential on the environment. Twelve representative (six-soil, two-sediment, two-plant and two-water) samples were collected, pre-treated and
more » ... red for this study. The atomic absorption spectrometer was used to analyse the concentration of the metals after the sequential and single-stage extractions were determined. Results showed that Chromium, Arsenic, Cadmium and Copper are more bioavailable in the study area than Lead and Iron. This findings indicate that human, animals and plants are exposed to toxic elements (metals and metalloids).
doi:10.37121/jase.v3i2.101 fatcat:jt3kou4ap5bpdfj7a3nl62ahy4