Erzählen im Computerspiel

Bernhard Friedl
2014 unpublished
This thesis examines the potentials and limits of storytelling within computer games seen as hybrids between games and narratives. In the first part, starting from explaining the interdependence between game-relevant elements and narrative elements, it presents several models of computer game studies that help to specify a term of text that can be used to describe the narrativity of computer games. The thesis therefore also discusses the diverse levels of discourse in and around the media and
more » ... parates the unique reception of a game's narrative from intrinsic narrative elements. The developed term of text as "designer's narrative discourse" finally presents itself as interaction of intrinsic narrative elements and the potential narrative function of game mechanics. With this in mind, specific techniques of representation such as game perspective and the game mechanics itself are considered when an overview of possible techniques of representation within the media is given. Storytelling is then comprehended as communication between the player, the game's characters, items and the game world putting the signal, its ways of transmission and its qualities in the centre of the analysis. Meeting the specific spatiality of computer games, space is discussed both as suggested and as absolute quantity. Applying the developed method, the second part examines several games and shows how the "designer's narrative discourse" leads to the idea of a story, but also how specific dramaturgical effects are put into practice. An examination of "Age of Empires 2" (Ensemble Studios 1999/ Hidden Path Entertainment 2013) and "Tomb Raider" (Crystal Dynamics 2013), explains how game mechanics and communication structure support the concepts of game characters. "Gone Home" (The Fullbright Company 2013) illustrates the importance of requisites and their narrative function within the media. "Half Life 2" (Valve 2004) and "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" (Bethesda 2011) confront the player with complex alternative social-political realities tha [...]
doi:10.25365/thesis.33985 fatcat:towwrym4dzabzhk4pkk5yivzie