T. Skoryk
2021 Zenodo  
The problem of success in the professional activity of a teacher is a current topic of scientific researches today, considering the need of reforming higher pedagogical education in terms of current trends in education and increased requirements to teachers in society. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the model of the future teacher's professional success development at higher education institutions. Following the purpose of the study, a scientific analysis of methodological
more » ... ies for the development of future teachers' professional success in the educational process of higher education institutions is made, content blocks of the professional development model are characterized, structural features of each block are revealed. The methodological basis of the study is a set of approaches: systemic, synergetic, activity, praxeological, subjective; regulations of systems theory, and pedagogical modeling as a method of pedagogical research. Scientific novelty. The model of the future teacher's professional success development at higher education institutions based on the scientific analysis of various methodological approaches, emphasizing organizational and pedagogical conditions, defining external and internal factors of professional success which are determinative in its formation and development is offered. Conclusions. The analysis of various approaches of native and foreign scientists as for the essence of the individual's success allowed the author to conclude that the success of professional activity is a multifactorial phenomenon consisting of many components that have a certain structure. The study of the issue of the future teacher's professional success allowed to identify the most important essential characteristics of this phenomenon and justify the structural and functional model of its development. The structural-functional [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5726388 fatcat:nbabzfxquzg4bpfgq4fwyjvf4q