Moho Depth Derived from Gravity Data in the Taiwan Strait Area

Hsien-Hsiang Hsieh, Horng-Yuan Yen, Min-Hung Shih
2010 Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences  
AB STRACT We have con structed a re gional Bouguer grav ity anom aly map us ing ma rine and land data from Tai wan and the Chi nese prov ince of Fuchien, as well as SEASAT altimetry-de rived grav ity data for the Tai wan Strait and its sur round ing area. The map shows isogals trending gen er ally in a NE-SW di rec tion, con form ing with the over all shal lower geo log i cal strike of the strait. Re mov ing grav ity ef fects gen er ated by the wa ter layer and seafloor to pog ra phy, the re
more » ... nal Bouguer grav ity anom aly is ob tained, re flect ing the subsurface struc ture. Moho depth is then com puted by the Parker-Oldenburg it er a tive method from the re gional Bouguer grav ity data set. Over the strait area, the ge om e try of the Moho re lief is smooth with an av er age depth of about 30 km, ex cept for the Penghu up lift. Moho depth is shal lower in the Tai wan Strait and thick ens to ward both sides of the strait. The rel a tively shal lower Moho depth, reach ing up to 28 km, is con vex up ward un der neath the Penghu uplift.
doi:10.3319/tao.2009.03.05.01(t) fatcat:hj5cdyvkj5dcdgjkyeb3lp7ocm