The Incidences of EBV, HSV, CMV and Parvovirus B19 in the Patients with Lenfopenia Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy [post]

Adil Furkan KILIÇ, Salim Başol TEKİN
2022 unpublished
There is a possibility of lymphopenia in patients receiving multiple chemotherapy. It is known that some viruses infect lymphocytes, increase lymphocyte destruction and cause lymphopenia. The incidences of EBV, HSV, CMV and Parvovirus B19 viral infections in 138 lymphopenic cancer patients receiving chemotherapy were determined in serum samples. The mean age of the patients was 58.93 ± 13.28 years, and the mean duration of diagnosis was 2,0 ± 2,2 years. EBV positively was detected in 9 patients
more » ... (6.5%), CMV positively in 12 patients (8.7%), and EBV and CMV (together) positively in 1 (0,7%) patient. HSV and parvovirus B19 positively were not determined in any patients. According to the results of the survival analysis, the average survival time in all lymphopenic patients was 3.71 months. It was observed that 65.21% of all lymphopenic patients die within 12 months following lymphopenia diagnosis. As a result, EBV and CMV positivity rates were determined in all lymphopenic patients receiving chemotherapy (6.5% and 8.7%, respectively). More comprehensive studies are needed to determine the incidence of HSV and parvovirus B19. In addition, lymphopenic patients receiving chemotherapy should be followed up by physicians for viral infections and treated with antiviral therapy in the early stages of infection.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:aheln2qzizc43js7andsdsk2na