إدارة علاقة العملاء وأثرها على جودة العلاقة والاحتفاظ بالعميل دراسة تطبيقية

امنه ابو النجا محمد
2017 المجلة المصرية للدراسات التجارية  
The aim of this study is to explore the impact of relationship quality (trust-commitment-satisfaction) in the relationship between Dimensions Customers Relationships Management "key customers focus, Customers relationships management organization, Customers Knowledge management, and technology-based customers' relationships management " and customer's Retention, to build a model for Customers Relationships Management in the Egyptian banking sector by using Path analysis and partial correlations
more » ... analysis. In addition to identifying both relationship quality and customer's Retention. The questionnaire has been designed to gather data. The sample size is 241 customers' service managers, marketing managers. According to results obtained from structural model, the study concluded that dimensions of Customers Relationships Management can be arranged as followed: " technology-based customers' relationships management, key customers focus, Customers Knowledge management, and Customers relationships management organization" to ensure customer's Retention. Technology-based customers' relationships management is the most important dimension in building long-term relationship with customers. The results support the indirect effect of Customers Relationships Management on Customer commitment through Customer trust, and Customer trust has positive direct affect on Customer commitment, and indirect effect on customer retention through commitment .the trust has stronger than satisfaction in impact on customer retention in the Egyptian banking sector. Furthermore, the study has suggested model of Customers Relationships Management to Retain the Customers with reliable degree. Relationship quality is placed as intermediate variable between Customers Relationships Management dimensions and customer Retention. This affects the strength of the relationship between them.
doi:10.21608/alat.2017.209636 fatcat:7cpmu7tbivdovln4uatmjfoy5q