A review on effects of ceramic tile waste as partial replacement of coarse aggregate on geopolymer paver block

Sweda Sara Philip, C.P. Archana
2021 Sustainability, Agri, Food and Environmental Research  
Paver blocks are used in many areas like street road and other construction places. Due to rapid infrastructure development the use of cement is increasing. Cement emits large amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and this leads to global warming. Today researches on waste management lead to an eco-friendly product called geopolymer mortar and concrete. To support the development of pavement construction in the civil engineering industry, a new approach to predicting the performance of the geopolymer
more » ... aver block (GPB) has been proposed. A huge quantity of ceramic waste is generated during processing, transportation and handling. To reduce this waste disposal, ceramic waste can be used as an alternative material to natural coarse aggregate. Fly ash and Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBS) are activated using alkaline solution such as sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide to get cementitious binder. There are various paper and research works based on natural coarse aggregate replaced by various percentages of other industrial waste material and cement replaced by various percentage of other waste material and it is found that there is increase in strength, durability and reduction in cost and utilization of waste material. Various waste material can be used for improving strength of paver block. The primary objective of this review is to understand the properties as well as economical and environmental benefits of GPB using ceramic tile waste corresponding to M40 grade (16M) based on earlier researches. From the mix designed, 25% Fly ash and 75% GGBS shows optimum mix. The review work also focus on selection of various percentages of ceramic tile waste for replacing natural coarse aggregate. Key Words: Geopolymer Paver Block, Fly Ash, GGBS, Cementitious binder, Alkaline solution, Ceramic tile waste
doi:10.7770/safer-v10n1-art2464 fatcat:iyewanbg5bbwdnx2obewcxdjyu