Phonon properties of CoSb2single crystals

N Lazarević, M M Radonjić, Rongwei Hu, D Tanasković, C Petrovic, Z V Popović
2012 Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter  
The phonon properties of CoSb 2 have been investigated by Raman scattering spectroscopy and lattice dynamics calculations. Sixteen out of eighteen Raman active modes predicted by factor-group analysis are experimentally observed and assigned. The calculated and measured phonon energies at the point are in very good agreement. The temperature dependence of the A g symmetry modes is well represented by phonon-phonon interactions without contribution from any other phonon or electron related interactions.
doi:10.1088/0953-8984/24/13/135402 pmid:22406874 fatcat:rkylsmocq5hv5orpxoouteidoi