Housing conditions and the use of alternative energy sources in households of senior citizens in Poland

Tomasz Zalega
2017 Journal of Economics and Management  
Aim/purpose -The article aims to show the housing situation, satisfaction with housing conditions and place of residence, and the use of renewable energy sources in urban households of Polish seniors. Design/methodology/approach -Direct research in the form of a survey questionnaire was carried out on a sample of 2537 households in 2014-2015 in ten Polish cities of various populations and sizes. In accordance with the research assumptions, the sample included persons over 65 years of age who
more » ... k independent purchasing decisions in the market. In order to select the sample, the selective quota sampling procedure was used. The survey was conducted among participants of the University of the Third Age at state universities in: Warsaw,
doi:10.22367/jem.2017.29.08 fatcat:qhikf6s3jjev5ipsnubaxdln6y