Zebrafish models to study drug abuse-related phenotypes

Adam Stewart, Keith Wong, Jonathan Cachat, Siddharth Gaikwad, Evan Kyzar, Nadine Wu, Peter Hart, Valerie Piet, Eli Utterback, Marco Elegante, David Tien, Allan V. Kalueff
2011 Reviews in the Neurosciences  
Mounting evidence implicates the zebrafi sh ( Danio rerio ) as a promising model species for reward and addiction research. Modeling drug abuse-related behavior in both adult and larval zebrafi sh produced a wealth of clinically translatable data, also demonstrating their sensitivity to various drugs of abuse and the ability to develop tolerance. Several studies have also applied withdrawal paradigms to model the adverse effects of drug abuse in zebrafi sh. In this review, we summarize recent
more » ... ndings of a wide spectrum of zebrafi sh drug abuse-related behavioral and physiological phenotypes, discuss the existing challenges, and outline potential future directions of research in this fi eld.
doi:10.1515/rns.2011.011 pmid:21615264 fatcat:j2dqwro3i5bovm6rtyozlhczye