2018 Akademos: Revista de Ştiinţă, Inovare, Cultură şi Artă  
This year, 400 years have passed since the creation of the Kepler's theory about the movement of celestial bodies, which are of the great importance for the understanding the movement of the celestial bodies, and have given rise to various vital problems that remain unresolved to the present. It reflects some moments in the history of solving the problem of n bodies and studying of the problem of the stability of Solar System. It is well known that the study of body movement in the Solar System
more » ... and Celestial Mechanics is based on Kepler's laws and Newton's law of universal gravitational attraction. The following questions, concerning the stability of the Solar System, arise naturally: 1. Will the current configuration of the Solar System be maintained for its entire life? 2. Will there be no collisions between the planets of the Solar System? 3. Will any planet, for example Earth, leave the Solar System in the future? There are various approaches to the problem of stability in mathematics and, in particular, to the Celestial Mechanics. The instability of the Solar System was demonstrated by Spiru Haret in his Ph.D. thesis held in Paris in 1878. This result denies the previous affirmations of Pierre Laplace (1773) and Joseph Louis Lagrange (of 1776), using the first-degree approximation of perturbation forces, and of Siméon Denis Poisson (1808) with the second degree approximation of perturbation forces. Since the analytical integration of the motion equations of several bodies, under the gravitational interaction between pairs of bodies according to the Newton's law, is impossible to realize under general initial conditions, solving the problem is done using the Computational Algebra under the restricted initial conditions. In the paper we explicitly formulate the restricted problem of the movement of n + 1 bodies. Profound results in the study of these problems were obtained by Eugen Grebenicov and his disciples.
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