Microcontroller Based Master Slave Communication for Electrical Stepper Motor

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
A process control systems consists of various continuous process signals coming from the various sensors and transmitters placed at different locations in the field. The signals from the sensors or transmitters may be analog or digital and this paper is a combination of analog and digital electronics. This paper is low-cost microcontroller-based on master slave communication device designed to fulfill the requirements of the industry applications. It's consists of monitoring parameters and
more » ... ol parameter in stepper motor then display the temperature in LCD. The PC interface is one of the main features of the project. The project is mainly consisting of the following modules: Module one is related to master circuit, module two is used to measure the temperature of the motor using a temperature sensor and module three is used to rotate the angle of stepper motor with help of microcontroller.
doi:10.21275/v5i5.nov163471 fatcat:in4bwlqa5bhlzcfmw5mbiwohq4