Blending Education and Guidance to Enrich Cognitive Development: An approach to Boost Students' Interest in Education

Jagriti Mehta, Kiran Jyoti Kaur, Shruti Marwaha, Anil Kishore Sinha
2022 Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy  
Student learning must be developmentally appropriate and compatible with students' levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development. Variety of instructional materials can be used during the teaching- learning process to make learning enjoyable and student centered. The in-hand longitudinal study was conducted on a sample of 60 school going students, between 10 and 14 years of age, of Yadavindra Public School (YPS), Patiala, Punjab, India from 2016 to 2017, in order to
more » ... and record the effect of the regular intervention of customized education and guidance on the cognitive development and academic achievement of students. It was notified that if the students are taught according to their respective learning nature, they will grasp much easily and develop their interest in studies. Through the in-depth study, it was inferred that the interest in studies developed among those receiving education through the methods linking directly to their strength and dominant learning style.
doi:10.36348/jaep.2022.v06i01.006 fatcat:ahxkcw2qbrghxoonqnuq2pj7me