Enabling Components Management and Dynamic Execution Semantic in WSMX

Thomas Haselwanter, Maciej Zaremba, Michal Zaremba
2005 WSMO Implementation Workshop  
The Web Service Modelling Execution Environment is a platform for dynamic discovery, mediation and invocation of Semantic Web Services. We believe that Semantic Web Services systems should support a dynamic execution semantics, i.e., a system run-time deployable formal definition of the system behavior, which can be executed against components that are available for this system. In this paper we present the work we have completed to date on dynamic execution semantics in the context of Semantic
more » ... Web Services architecture implementation of WSMX. We also document the design rationale of a microkernel and a distribution architecture for this system.
dblp:conf/wiw/HaselwanterZZ05 fatcat:5davuvlklzcvhm22pjxuwjzyom