Design features of ionophores for ion selective electrodes

E. Pretsch, Martin Badertscher, M. Welti, Takuya Maruizumi, W. E. Morf, W. Simon
1988 Pure and Applied Chemistry  
ustract -Ionophores as components for analytically relevant ion selective electrodes have to exhibit a specified lipophilicity and a free energy of activation of < 45-65 kJ mol-l for the ligand exchange reaction. The selectivity of membranes may be tuned by membrane-technological interventions (dielectric constant of membrane phase, ionophore concentration, concentration of ionic sites confined to membrane phase). Molecular modelling techniques can guide the design of ionophores of a given
more » ... ent selectivity and reduce the number of ionophore candidates to be synthesized. The selectivity enhancement expected for a covalent link of ionophore subunits is analyzed. Significant effects are predicted only if suitable ligand preorganization is realized.
doi:10.1351/pac198860040567 fatcat:nnxat4gs2jdhpd56ljf6xs5euu