ICT & Reflective Education in an Environmentally ResponsiveArchitecture Studio

Abeer Shaheen, H. Elkadi
2007 CAADRIA proceedings   unpublished
The current debate of architecture education in UK Schools of Architecture is reviewed with special emphasis on environmental ingredients of the traditional and progressive curriculum. Environmental approach to design has far more benefits than just informing students of the basics of the ecological and urban settings. Traditionally, UK Schools of Architecture address these issues via required courses (RIBA, 2003) However, environmental forces, wide array of educational innovations and a number
more » ... of conditions and performance criteria that are set by Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA, for architectural education curriculum are essential drivers that necessitated transforming architectural pedagogy. As a result, new themes are being woven across existing courses, and more attention is being accorded to pedagogical methods of delivery using Information and Communication Technology ICT.
doi:10.52842/conf.caadria.2007.x.x2j fatcat:pnsm4u3htfbhvm6sew4tcbe3sa