Piano Trio No. 1 in D Minor (2nd Movement), Op. 49, MWV Q29 for Piano, Cello, and Flute By Felix Mendelssohn

Abdulaziz Alyoser, Krzysztof Kaczka
2022 مجلة علوم وفنون الموسیقى  
Schuman, Brahms, Wagner, Mahler and Mendelssohn are among the most important representatives of Romanticism in music; a period of musical history which covers the entire 19 th century. During this era, the role of the musical artist changed quite a bit in Europe compared with years prior. During the Classical period and earlier eras such as Baroque and Renaissance the musical artist was simply a craftsman but beginning with Beethoven, all that began to change. Through the influence of
more » ... musicians (specially composers in this case) became more individual and unique, with their personal, subjective, emotional and irrational attitudes fully revered and placed in the spotlight. 1 This is the era, which not only birthed many of the so-called stars in classical music, both composers and performers, but also witnessed completely new techniques of composition. In many ways, music from the Romantic period was a continuation of that from the Classical. Harmonically, the major-minor tonal system was still dominant at this  Assistant professor at the Music department at the college of basic education at the public authority for applied training and education ** Professor of Arabic music 1 Abraham, G. (1979). In The concise oxford history of music. essay, Oxford University Press.
doi:10.21608/jfma.2022.129961.1467 fatcat:wmobyviexfajjimzf4ojnupisu