Factors Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection among Oral Health Team Professionals

João Peres Neto, Marina Fini de Souza, André Martins Camargo Barbosa, Leandro Loschiavo Marsico, Wander Barbieri, Danielle Costa Palacio, Daiana Bonfim, Camila Nascimento Monteiro, Ana Carolina Cintra Nunes Mafra, Manoelito Ferreira Silva Junior
2021 Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada  
Objective: To analyze the factors associated with the SARS-CoV-2 infection among oral health professionals. Material and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in the city of São Paulo, São Paulo State, Brazil. Professionals from three different categories were included: dental surgeons (DS), dental assistants (DA), and dental hygienists (DH). A questionnaire was created on a digital platform and sent via institutional email to each subject. The questionnaire contained 32 questions about
more » ... odemographic, work, and behavior factors. The data about SARS-CoV-2 infection was confirmed through RT-PCR exams. Descriptive (absolute and relative frequencies) and inferential analyses (chi-squared or Fisher's exact test) (p<0.05) were performed. Results: There was a SARS-CoV-2 infection prevalence of 3.8% for DS, 30.0% for DH, and 33.3% for DA. SARS-CoV-2 was associated with a lower income (p=0.027), a lower education level (p=0.011), the category of technical professionals (DA and DH) (p=0.025), and using public transportation to commute to work (p=0.009). Conclusion: Sociodemographic factors like lower income and education levels and work factors like job category and public transportation were associated with COVID-19 among professionals on the oral health teams.
doi:10.1590/pboci.2021.164 fatcat:5jqjgzrso5bqzpchubkbee66j4