Effects of Parallel Gradation on Strength Properties of Ballast Materials

Domenica Cambio, Louis Ge
2007 Advances in Measurement and Modeling of Soil Behavior   unpublished
The railroad ballast is used to fill in irregular surface topology, distribute and transfer loads from a surface structure or system to the subgrade or subsoils as uniformly and widely as possible in order to provide stable and stiff longterm embankment support for railways. A typical ballast grain sizes range from 30 to 70 mm, which makes large-scale laboratory tests difficult to conduct. The parallel gradation technique is to preserve the particle shape, particle surface roughness, and
more » ... e mineralogy, and creates a parallel gradation of soil with a maximum particle size for the available apparatus. This paper presents the result of a series of monotonic direct shear tests for three ballast materials having parallel gradation curves, which are served as background study for the ongoing research on validating it under loading-unloading condition.
doi:10.1061/40917(236)14 fatcat:gusgu36yijf75lwzdqogsqosq4