The Role of Psychological Capital in predicting Work-Family Conflict

Rusmalia Dewi, Joniarto Parung, Artiawati
2021 Proceedings of the International Conference on Psychological Studies (ICPSYCHE 2020)   unpublished
Research on psychological capital and work-family conflict has shown mixed results. Several studies have shown a high correlation between results and a low one. In theory, psychological capital should be able to become an individual's psychological resource in reducing work-family conflicts. Research on psychological capital with work-family conflict in Medical Representative is also rarely conducted, so further studies are needed in order to reduce work-family conflict in Medical
more » ... . Two domains of adult needs that demand fulfillment in order to balance the two, namely work and family. If one domain has a problem, it will affect the other domains, because these two domains are interconnected. Conditions like this can be a workfamily conflict that can occur in working adult spouses. Data for the last ten years shows that working spouses are increasing, so the potential for work-family conflicts for working partners will also increase. The potential for work-family conflicts tends to increase in cases with long and unscheduled working hours, for example to medical representatives (Medical Representative). This study aims to examine the relationship between psychological capital and work-family conflict in Medical Representative. This study used 168 Medical Representative respondents. The mean age was 18-29 years (SD=8,98) with 47,62% female and 52,38% male. The work-family conflict scale is Carlson's standard measurement tool adapted by Artiawati from Indonesia. The psychological capital scale uses a scale from Luthans. The simultaneous results on multiple linear regression analysis showed that psychological capital had a significant relationship with work-family conflict (F = 4,434 p <0.037). Resilience predicted the strongest (β = -0.689 p <0.01) compared to the other three dimensions of psychological capital on work-family conflict in Medical Representative. This means that the dimensions of psychological capital cannot play a good role if there is no resilience. Further research can add other positive variables that are predicted to reduce work-family conflicts, such as work-family climate and meaningfulness of work.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.210423.024 fatcat:zb3fyqyvdjde3pcq5hnbyvgl4e