Severe dengue fever: A case report

Mishra Ved Prakash, Twanabasu Suraj, Kusma Susan, Thapa Kajol
2020 GSC Advanced Research and Reviews  
Dengue is a mosquito-borne viral infection with many clinically diverse spectrums of presentations. Although most of the cases are diagnosed clinically, even a simple full blood count (FBC) can assist to confirming this often deceiving infection, which allows the initiation of potentially lifesaving treatment. In this article, two cases of dengue are mentioned, one of which has a high hematocrit and hemoglobin value, which can lead to multiple organ failure and disseminated intravascular
more » ... tion (DIC) and another one added with several atypical clinical manifestation. Thrombocytopenia and leukopenia with positive dengue-NS1 antigen were seen in both cases. Both cases were treated with supportive care and intravenous fluid to improve symptoms. With such complications, there is a need to further examine these cases further in detail.
doi:10.30574/gscarr.2020.3.3.0051 fatcat:xeech6h355gpbg3rt7sdnmesgm