Deterministic photon-photonSWAPgate using aΛsystem

Kazuki Koshino, Satoshi Ishizaka, Yasunobu Nakamura
2010 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We theoretically present a method to realize a deterministic photon-photon (SWAP)^1/2 gate using a three-level lambda system interacting with single photons in reflection geometry. The lambda system is used completely passively as a temporary memory for a photonic qubit; the initial state of the lambda system may be arbitrary, and active control by auxiliary fields is unnecessary throughout the gate operations. These distinct merits make this entangling gate suitable for deterministic and scalable quantum computation.
doi:10.1103/physreva.82.010301 fatcat:za3qe2tvujbvhezk6qdgyzebv4