Exploration of an Opportunistic Overlaid Paradigm for Complex Networks via Stochastic Geometry [report]

Shuguang Cui, Long Gao, Soummya Kar, Qing Zhou, Lauren Huie, Vince H. Poor, Meng Zeng, Rui Zhang, Di Li, Changchuan Yin
2012 unpublished
In this project, we focused on large complex networks and mainly investigated the following major issues: 1) We studied the overlaid complex networking systems where a primary network tier is coexisting with an opportunistic network tier. With stochastic geometry tools, we first showed that both tiers could achieve the same throughput scaling and then showed that the primary throughput scaling can be improved by allowing the opportunistic tier to help with relaying primary traffic. 2) We then
more » ... udied the enabling techniques for primary vs. opportunistic coexisting network systems, where we mainly investigated how the opportunistic network senses the primary spectrlllTI usage and detect primary occupancy in a distributed fashion, for which we established the respective asymptotic convergence results based on the Random Dynamic System theories. 3) We finally studied the related resource allocation strategies in large random networks, where we redefine the related transmission capacity concepts to quantifY the system performance.
doi:10.21236/ada564234 fatcat:4gvfkis5hvd6teidu2cfgqytxu