Testing of Cr:ZnSe laser with intracavity methane cell in 77–300 K temperature range

M.K. Tarabrin, M.P. Frolov, M.A. Gubin, A.N. Kireev, Yu.V. Korostelin, V.I. Kozlovsky, V.A. Lazarev, A.B. Pniov, Yu.P. Podmar'kov, D.A. Shelestov, A.S. Shelkovnikov, D.A. Tyurikov
2014 2014 International Conference Laser Optics  
The mid-IR cw tunable solid state two-mode Cr 2+ :ZnSe laser with intracavity methane cryocell was developed. The laser was applied for sub-Doppler spectroscopy of (ν1+ν4) vibrational-rotational band of methane and observation of narrow resonances of saturated dispersion at λ = 2.36 μm. The new technique of low pressure methane gas cooling was used instead of liquid nitrogen "jacket" design applied in our previous work. Parameters of saturated dispersion resonances were estimated in 77-300 K
more » ... perature range. The experiments confirmed that laser with the new "dry cooled" methane cell has prospectives for reaching a shortterm frequency stability at the level of 10 -15 -10 -16 and can be used as a compact device.
doi:10.1109/lo.2014.6886221 fatcat:z3jjlqe5dramzpcpyoditmsxna