Diffractionless Flow of Light in All-Optical Microchips

Alongkarn Chutinan, Sajeev John, Ovidiu Toader
2003 Physical Review Letters  
We introduce the concept of a hybrid 2D-3D photonic band gap (PBG) heterostructure which enables both complete control of spontaneous emission of light from atoms and planar light-wave propagation in engineered wavelength-scale microcircuits. Using three-dimensional (3D) light localization, this heterostructure enables flow of light without diffraction through micron-scale air waveguide networks. Achieved by intercalating two-dimensional photonic crystal layers containing engineered defects
more » ... a 3D PBG material, this provides a general and versatile solution to the problem of "leaky modes" and diffractive losses in integrated optics.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.90.123901 pmid:12688870 fatcat:75dkgcsin5gqtbnqmrpu5qugqq