Distributed delay and sum beamformer for speech enhancement in wireless sensor networks via randomized gossip

Yuan Zeng, Richard C. Hendriks
2012 2012 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)  
In this paper, we describe a distributed delay and sum beamformer (DDSB) for speech enhancement based on a randomized gossip algorithm. The proposed algorithm operates in a randomly connected wireless sensor network. Without any network topology constraint, the DDSB estimates the desired signal at each node by only exchanging information with its neighbors. Since the DDSB performs only local signal processing, it is robust and scalable for large sensor networks and dynamic environments. We show
more » ... that the DDSB converges to the optimal estimate of the centralized beamformer. Furthermore, we provide a bound for the worst-case averaging time of the DDSB for the worst connected network. The simulation results validate the theoretical results of the algorithm. Index Terms-Distributed delay and sum beamformer, randomized gossip, speech enhancement, wireless sensor networks.
doi:10.1109/icassp.2012.6288804 dblp:conf/icassp/ZengH12 fatcat:gd7ksno4sfgszlcrdrrwyy2jei