The effects of different diets on ovary maturation and spawning of pond-reared white indian shrimp (Fenneropenaeus indicus)

Salarzadeh Alireza
2014 Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences- Zoology  
Current investigation is conducted to determineeffect of four different diets on ovary maturation and spawning of the pond-rearedWhite IndianShrimps for a time span of 60 days. One group of shrimps (control group) was fed with concentrate food of broodstocks. The second, third, and forth groups were fed by squid meat, Solen vagina meat, and Polychaete worms from Nereididae family, collected along the intertidal zone in BandarAbbas, respectively. For each experimental group, three iterations
more » ... considered. Results of experiments indicate that the maximum amount of growth and maturation of ovary and spawning was for the fourth group (fed by Polychaete worms); the mentioned group had a significant difference with other groups (P<0.05). The second and the third groups (fed by squid and solen vagina) showed lower significant difference. The first group did not have a significant difference. Based on results and data, it can be concluded that three major factors of environmental conditions, endocrine hormones, and the diet type are important factors that have an impact on maturation of ovary and spawning of reared White IndianShrimps.
doi:10.5958/2320-3188.2014.00004.7 fatcat:iikiqh6t6zakhjbkd2ngyuv3wa