Compassionate care and feeding of spiritually transformative experiences in Brazil: A 130-year-old tradition

2014 Journal of Near-Death Studies  
The origin and workings of Spiritist Centers and Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals in Brazil are described. These non-government organizations nurture spiritual evolution and effect physical and emotional healing in people of all ages, acknowledging spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) as a normal part of life. There are 50 Spiritist Psychiatric Hospitals and approximately 13,000 Spiritist Centers in Brazil. It is estimated that 20% of the population visit these organizations, as needed.
more » ... The practices at these institutions include: laying-on of hands, prayer, blessed water, fraternal assistance, organized charitable giving to others, consultation with medical intuitives, and 'disobsession' (the process of separating from negatively-motivated spirits). Trained volunteers donate their time to perform these practices, knowing that doing so contributes both to others' and to their own
doi:10.17514/jnds-2014-32-3-p175-177. fatcat:kxytzlzfyfhjzh5j5oonwogo2a