فاعلیة برنامج مقترح باستخدام الأنشطة المتکاملة فی تنمیة بعض مهارات التفکیر الإیجابی لدى أطفال ما قبل المدرسة

سحر الأحمدی, سلوی عبد الغنی
2017 مجلة کلیة ریاض الأطفال ببورسعید  
The current research aims to identify:  The effectiveness of the proposed program using integrated activities in the development of some positive thinking skills among pre-school children.  Differences between pre-school and post-primary measurement in positive thinking skills among pre-school children.  Differences between postmodern and sequential measurement of positive thinking skills among pre-school children. The research sample: The study sample consisted of 90 children and children
more » ... om Tala Educational School in Minia Governorate. 50 of them ‫رًُُخ‬ ‫يف‬ ‫ادلزكبيهخ‬ ‫األَشؽخ‬ ‫ثبطزخذاو‬ ‫يمرتػ‬ ‫ثزَبيظ‬ ‫فبػهُخ‬ ‫ادلذرطخ‬ ‫لجم‬ ‫يب‬ ‫أؼفبل‬ ‫نذي‬ ‫اإلجيبثٍ‬ ‫انزفكري‬ ‫يهبراد‬ ‫ثؼط‬ ( ‫انؼذد‬ ‫ػشز‬ ‫احلبدٌ‬ ‫ـ‬ ) ‫َىنُى‬ ‫دَظًرب‬ ‫ـ‬ 1027 ( 66 ) were taken as a survey sample. A basic sample of 30 children and girls with low level of positive thinking skills was taken to conduct the program with them as a basic sample. Search tools:  Illustrated Positive Thinking Skills for Children (Prepared by the two researchers)  Proposed program using integrated activities (preparation by the researchers) Research results:  There are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements, and these differences in post measurement. Because the mean in post measurement is higher than the pre measurement in all skills and the total score, indicating the effectiveness of the proposed program in developing positive thinking skills.  There are no statistically significant differences between the two dimensions and sequential, indicating the continuity of the impact of the proposed program in the development of positive thinking skills. ‫رَبض‬ ‫نكهُخ‬ ‫انؼهًُخ‬ ‫اجملهخ‬ ‫األؼفبل‬ ‫ثىرطؼُذ‬ ‫عبيؼخ‬ ‫ــ‬ ( ‫انؼذد‬ ‫ػشز‬ ‫احلبدٌ‬ ‫ـ‬ ) ‫َىنُى‬ ‫دَظًرب‬ ‫ـ‬
doi:10.21608/jfkgp.2017.46282 fatcat:tewebnn2mjhrfnu35scqo5m7ji