Benefits of mitral valve repair over replacement in the elderly: a systematic review and meta‐analysis

Ettorino Di Tommaso, Filippo Rapetto, Gustavo A. Guida, Mustafa Zakkar, Vito D. Bruno
2021 Journal of cardiac surgery  
Mitral valve (MV) repair has demonstrated excellent short- and long-term outcomes, however, its merit in the elderly population is still debated. We conducted a meta-analysis of studies that have compared the MV repair to replacement in the elderly population. A systematic literature search was conducted for any study published on MV surgery on elderly patients (≥75 years old). A pooled risk-ratio meta-analysis was done to evaluate short-term mortality, postoperative complications, surgical
more » ... ngs, and long-term survival rates. A total of nine retrospective observational studies were included in the quantitative meta-analysis. Pooled meta-analysis showed a reduced risk of short-term mortality for the MV repair group (risk ratio [RR] = 0.41 [0.24-0.71], p-value = .005). Postoperative neurological complications were in favor of repair, although not significantly (RR = 0.49 [0.21-1.11], p-value = .07). Operative timings (cardiopulmonary bypass and crossclamp time) were not different between the groups although no data were available on the complexity of the repairs. Long-term survival rates were in favor of the repairs (pooled treatment effect of -0.47 [-0.64; -0.29], p = .005). MV surgery is a safe and effective procedure for the elderly. MV repair demonstrated better short-term outcomes compared to replacement. Long-term survival rates are significantly better after repair.
doi:10.1111/jocs.15506 pmid:33783032 fatcat:odarzmrqsjhwjn327jdktf2uga