Mining-Induced Surface Damage and the Study of Countermeasures

C. Jixian
1994 Journal American Society of Mining and Reclamation  
Coal constitutes China's major energy resource. The majority of the coal is produced from underground mining operations. Surface subsidence may amount to 80% of the thickness of the seam mined, while the subsided volume is around 60% of the mined volume underground. An area of 20 hectares of land will be affected with each 1 million tonnes of coal mined, thereby causing severe surface damage. Following a description of the characteristics of surface damages due to underground mining
more » ... this paper elaborates on the damage prediction method, standards applied for evaluating the damages experienced by surface buildings, land reclamation methods in subsided area, measures for reinforcing and protecting buildings in mining-affected areas, and performance of antideformation buildings. Additional
doi:10.21000/jasmr94040057 fatcat:isalycbxubevlehz2aphkgqgra