The Daily Texan
University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
No Condition* or Hack Work to Be .Madt in 'Chis Way-Recruiting Officer Welcome* Men at Armory. 4* v v v 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* V "All students who enlist for 4* V active service in the National 4* Guard will he given credit for 4* 4* all work taken during the 4* 4* term in which their 4< standing is above a pass. This 4* V 'i t not apply to conditions 4* 4* or hack work. Minors must 4* 4* obtaif permission from their 4* 4* parents or guardians before 4* 4* enlisting,** 4. 4* v 4*
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... v 4* 4-4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* Students from all classes and in all departments who enlist for actual service in the National Guard will he im* ti -redit for the courses taken dur ing the spring term provided the} are in good -{anding iii these courses. Seniors will get their degrees, No credit will he given for work in which the student is conditioned, or for hack work. Ali minors will he required to get permission from their parents or guardians before this rule applies. Because of the interest taken in the calling out of the State militia, and of the number of students who either belong to that organization or intend to enlist, the faculty considered the question at its regular meeting yes terday, I he above resolution was adopted as the official action of the body, J hi-is substantially the same action as that taken two years ago when a company w*as formed by the students in the yniversity. Lieutenant Roger Hilsman, Com p ly K, the recruiting officer at the Austin armory, stated yesterday that he welcomed recruits, and that they would be enlisted and furnished w'ith the necessary uniforms. He will be in GYM TEAM GIVES ANNUAL EXHIBIT TO LARGE CROWD Athletes Show Good Form-Tennison Mins Hold Medal as Individual Point \\ inner-Pennybaeker ;*nd Baker Vbsent. The annual gym exhibition last night in the auditorium attracted a large crowd. The three medal winners were: .lack Tennison, W. FL (Haze and Ballard Dinwiddie, making ten, eight and five points, respectively. Percy Pennybaeker, the captain of the team, was unable to participate, he cause he wa -on duty with the Na tional (iuard, and Jim Baker could not take jiait because of a bruise un his hand. I'he Blind Institute orchestra fur* rushed music during the exhibition. There was also a concert by the Ha waiian Quartette, consisting of Ballard Dinwiddie, A. Iv, I). Yiney, R. K. Pond and F. II. Kipp, All ol the members of the gym team performed well. It consisted of Bal lard Dinwiddie, Alonzo Scurloek, V V . K. (Haze, Graves, Jack Tennison, <). V V . Sour lock, led Jones, C. h, ()rr, Martin and J. M. Foster. The program was as follows: Overture. Blind Institute Orchestra. ( alist benic drill. Selected squad. Parallel bar exercises. Gym team. Hawaiian musk*. Hawaiian Quar tette. Tumbling. Gym team. Horizontal bar exercises. Gym team. Hawaiian music*. Hawaiian Quar tette. Pyramids. Gun team. During the parallel bar exercises, tumbling and horizontal bar exercises, the work done will he iti contest for* the gold, silver and bronze medals awarded to the three most proficient all-around gjmna-ts by the Athletic Council. t r a in in g c a m p TO DRAW MANY UNIVERSITY MEN < oui mil tee Making Strong Campaign G > Get Students to San Antonio. Members to Be in Line for < oui missions. According to the local committee MANY VARSITY MEN IN NATIONAL GUARD A BO I I I O l m STI DENTS ENROLLED FOK SERVICE ON MEXICAN BORDER-MOST OF THEM IN COM PANY F, SOME BEING OFFICERS. ARMORY SCENE OF BUSTLE AND ACTIVITY ? H off*ersand Mt" for w i l l 1 h m a ) ( ( • ; :irrr! (om r 'es. E .an? is will he made to enlist as many of the male students of the University to go to the encampment as possible. They argue that one could hardly spend his vacation more profitably than by at tending the camp, where the men are trained in drill and fighting. Asi{," fr" m the satisfaction that "ach person attending will get in knowing that he has prepared himself to come to the defense of his country] Assembly Unanimously Adopts Artly-1 1 , n ' "! need, every one will be! By fund Amendment-Ne* Plan List of Students Who Enlisted in Response to President Wilson's ( all.