Test Setup for Analysis of Torque on DC Motor Shaft and its Possible Applications

Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, Shree Rajesh Raagul Vadivel, Abhijeet Prem, Venkata Sai Yashwanth Avvari, Borusu Charan Satya Chandra Sairam, Sriniketh Konduri
2019 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP)  
In this paper, we try to use a linear load cell to measure the torque acting on the shaft of a geared DC actuator. With the help of this measured parameter, we are analyzing several possibilities of this model to be used for different application. PID controller is used to making it a closed loop system to reduce the errors, as much as possible. With proper tuning of PID and calibration of the load cell, we can achieve position control without a rotary encoder. We are exploring the
more » ... of using minimum sensors to achieve multiple actions to be performed by the actuator. Index Terms-Torque Sensor, PID, Load Cell, Actuator and Rotary encoder.
doi:10.1109/iccsp.2019.8698002 fatcat:6i2w4lvk5jel7kfxlbod6mt2ka