Elastic anomaly in Tb under uniaxial tension: Evidence of the change in the Fermi surface topology responsible for the magnetic ordering type

A. Vl. Andrianov, O. A. Savel'eva
2003 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
A single crystal of Tb was examined under uniaxial tension applied along the hexagonal axis by a x-ray dilatometry and resistive strain sensors. The experiment was carried out well above the magnetic ordering temperature. The strain-stress dependencies obtained exhibit the characteristic violation of linearity that is evidently due to the change in the Fermi surface topology caused by strain. This electron-topological transition is presumably responsible for the recently observed change in the magnetic ordering type in the same sample.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.67.012405 fatcat:hkxzuxrgbfgdbac45e32vsb4tm