Field Experiences In The Engineering Curriculum

Jess Everett, Joseph Orlins, Beena Sukumaran, Kauser Jahan, Linda Head
2001 Annual Conference Proceedings   unpublished
Field methods are an important part of engineering often neglected in the undergraduate curriculum. Through the National Science Foundation's Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement (CCLI) program, the College of Engineering at Rowan University is creating opportunities for undergraduate students to carry out engineering field activities as part of traditional courses and Engineering Clinics. Faculty from Civil and Environmental (CEE), Electrical and Computer (ECE), and Chemical
more » ... ng (ChE) are participating in the project. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the initiative and describe two projects: • A weather station designed and built by a Clinic team of ECE, Mechanical Engineering, and CEE majors; and • Soil sampling and measurement procedures developed by a team of CEE majors.
doi:10.18260/1-2--9273 fatcat:uvec5mrwsrfazaekf4cuuffnoy